Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner at Nov. 4 IRP

The Institute for Retired Professionals (IRP) will host Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner on Nov. 4. Miner will discuss new initiatives under way for the City of Syracuse, as well as challenges facing the community.

Miner was elected in 2009, becoming the 53rd mayor of the City of Syracuse and the first woman elected mayor of any of the “Big 5” cities in New York state.

She attended Syracuse University, graduating magna cum laude with a B.A. in political science and journalism in 1992. After college, she worked as the assistant upstate coordinator for Geraldine Ferraro for U.S. Senate, and then served as Central New York Regional Representative to Governor Mario Cuomo in 1994.

In 1999, Miner earned her J.D. from SUNY Buffalo and began working at Blitman & King, LLP as a labor lawyer, representing unions and employees. Miner became a Syracuse common councilor-at-large in 2002 and was re-elected to the council in 2005.

The Institute for Retired Professionals, established by University College of Syracuse University, provides opportunities for retired people to stay intellectually active, to expand interests and make new acquaintances. Presentations are made by SU faculty and specialists within the community.

The program is free and open to the public. Meetings are held the first and third Thursday of each month from 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. at First Baptist Church of Syracuse, 5833 E. Seneca Turnpike, Jamesville. Several times each year, members may take part in special activities such as day trips, tours and luncheons.

For more information on this program, call University College at (315) 443-4846.