
UC Centennial Scholarship – Funding the dream for future students

Aerial photo of SU promenade

“The financial support helped me focus more on becoming the best student I could be, and less on how I was going to pay for my education.”
— Benjamin Vasquez ’18

Benjamin Vasquez is a police officer in Geneva, NY who aspires to go to law school and eventually work for the federal government. He’s been commuting to Syracuse between shifts for the past few years to complete a BPS in Creative Leadership at UC, and will be the 2018 Student Speaker when he graduates in May. Last summer, Ben was chosen from a field of 7,200 applicants to complete a White House internship. This spring, he received the Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship.

Ben says a UC Achiever Scholarship was instrumental in helping him complete his degree program. “The financial support helped me focus more on becoming the best student I could be and less on how I was going to pay for my education,” he says. “I’m humbled and appreciative for this prestigious scholarship.”

Jeanette Bova, a mother of two who works six days a week as a waitress, concurs. “Financial aid has been instrumental in my returning to school,” she says. “Without it, this would be impossible.” She is working toward a degree in English and Textual Studies, and as a recipient of an Achiever Scholarship, Jeanette must maintain excellent grades. She’s met the challenge with a nearperfect GPA.

Stories like these abound at UC, where almost every student receives some form of financial aid in the course of their undergraduate career. UC is hoping to provide more robust opportunities for part-time students with the Centennial Scholarship, which is being created in recognition of UC’s 100th anniversary. A Gala Fundraiser is planned for October at Schine Student Center, and all funds raised will be used to establish this scholarship. “Providing opportunity is what we do at UC,” says UC Dean Michael Frasciello, “and we hope this will enable us to reach out to even more students who have the drive and the dream, but don’t have the funds to finance a college degree.”

Would you like to create opportunities for deserving students by contributing to the Centennial Scholarship? Contact Jenn Scott at 315-443-3281 or .

Forging online pathways

Father working on laptop with infant sitting on lap

Online education is the wave of the future, and University College is creating digital pathways that will reach every corner of Syracuse University. The establishment of the Center for Online and Digital Learning at UC will develop and launch market driven online and residential graduate and undergraduate programs.

“As we fully align with the University’s Academic Strategic Plan, University College will play a critical role in carrying out the ambitious vision to solidify Syracuse University as a preeminent and inclusive student-focused research university,” said UC Dean Michael Frasciello.

Executive Director of Summer@Syracuse Wins National Award

Christopher Cofer, executive director of Summer@Syracuse, has been named the New York ACT College and Career Readiness Postsecondary Champion for 2018. The award is given to one individual from each state who is making a positive impact on their communities through their efforts to advance college and career readiness. Over 5,000 applications and nominations were received nationally and the largest pool of applicants ever was received for New York State.

Christopher Cofer

Christopher Cofer

The ACT College and Career Readiness Postsecondary Champion Award acknowledges individuals who assist underrepresented or underserved students in navigating their future educational and professional careers.

“Chris was an outstanding applicant in his category, and his contributions to Summer@Syracuse represent the best attributes of college and career readiness for all,” says Rose Babington, ACT district manager.

Cofer has significantly expanded partnerships with community-based organizations to increase access to Syracuse University’s Summer College for High School Students programs. The Summer College for High School Students programs are designed to offer both credit and non-credit opportunities for students to engage in rigorous college courses over a six-week period during the summer. Partnering with community-based organizations and foundations has provided opportunities for students who may otherwise not have the means to attend. In 2017, Summer College served 457 students from 30 states and 20 countries.

The Charles Hayden Foundation is the longest standing partnership with Summer College. The foundation funds an average of 20 students each summer from select New York City high schools. Their focus and support is on youth development and education programs that present evidence of program impact on young people and plans for making measurable progress toward well-defined goals in a specific time frame.

Funds from the foundation are used for housing, meal plans and other expenses. Since 2010, 177 students have been awarded the Charles Hayden Foundation Scholarship, giving them the opportunity to attend Summer College.

“Chris’s passion for opportunity and access exemplifies Syracuse University’s commitment to diversity and inclusion,” says Mike Frasciello, dean of University College. “Under Chris’s leadership, Summer College has evolved into a One University initiative that actively demonstrates how diversity and inclusion goals can be meet with intention, purpose and a personal commitment to academic excellence through multiple points of view, life experiences, ethnicities and cultures,” he adds.

ACT State Organizations represents over 10,000 education and workplace professionals from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

University College Hosts Open House in Celebration of Centennial Year

University College (UC) is opening its doors to the public to celebrate its 100th year of providing education to part-time students.

An Open House and a tour of University College will take place on Thursday, April 19, from noon-3 p.m. Visitors can check out the newly launched Center for Online and Digital Learning, learn about remitted tuition benefits, the English Language Institute, and degree and certificate programs. Information is also available on UC’s Bachelor of Professional Studies Program.

Sean Kirst, an award-winning Upstate New York journalist, current columnist for the Buffalo News and former Post-Standard columnist as well as the author of “The Soul of Central New York: Syracuse Stories” will be available for a book signing. His book will be available for purchase at the open house.

Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, desserts, giveaways and conversation as you learn of UC’s history and its plans for the next 100 years. Visitors will receive a trivia sheet to fill in UC facts at each location throughout the building.

To RSVP to the event, go to

For more information, contact Eileen Jevis at 315.443.3527 or

University College and Student Association Partner to Help Rescue Mission

Rescue Mission Collection Drive FlyerUniversity College and the Student Association are partnering with the Rescue Mission to hold a collection drive to gather toiletry items for those in need. The campus-wide initiative will take place from March 19-30 as part of SU’s Philanthropy Week.  Collection boxes will be placed in the Schine Student Center, University College, Day Hall, Flint Hall, Brewster, Boland and Brockway Halls, and Ernie Davis Hall. Collection boxes will also be placed in Graham Dining Hall, Brockway Dining Hall, and Goldstein Student Center on South campus.

The Student Association is leading the effort as part of its “Spring into Action” campaign. Their hope is that this year’s campaign will encourage future partnerships between university and community entities. “The Student Association is thrilled to collaborate with University College for their 100th year celebration with a collection drive,” says John Beavins Woltman, a member of the Student Association. “We look forward to a successful event with cross-campus involvement, and believe that this is the beginning of a strong collaboration between SA, University College, campus and community organizations.”

As part of this event, on March 27, Chipotle restaurant on Marshall Street will donate 50% of its proceeds from 4:00 p.m. to close to the Rescue Mission.

University College has a long history of community engagement,” says Eileen Jevis, communications manager. “As we celebrate our 100th anniversary in 2018, partnering with the Rescue Mission and the Student Association was a natural way to continue to strengthen our connections across campus and in the community. Syracuse University is a strong supporter of the Rescue Mission and we are pleased to be able to participate.”

“We appreciate Syracuse University’s dedication to helping those in need by collecting hygiene items for the Rescue Mission,” says Glenna Croy, director of Volunteer Services at the Rescue Mission. “Hundreds of hygiene items are given out to our clients each month so we are grateful for the members of the community that help us fulfill this need.”

University College staff will join students on March 30 in the atrium of the Schine Student Center to sort items collected. If you would like to volunteer to pick up or sort items, please contact Woltman at For more information, contact Eileen Jevis at 315-443-3527 or