Thomas Welch, professor and chair of pediatrics at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital, will speak at the April 1 session of Institute for Retired Professionals from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Dollars and sense: sales tax revenue is this week’s TMR topic
The March 18 session of Thursday Morning Roundtable (TMR) will feature Kenneth Mokrzycki, director of administration for the City of Syracuse; James Rowley, CFO, Onondaga County Department of Management and Budget; and James Rhinehart, chair of Onondaga County Legislature and chair of the Legislature’s Sales Tax Committee.
‘Returning From War: Helping Veterans Reenter Civilian Life’ topic at this week’s IRP
The March 4 session of the Institute for Retired Professionals (IRP) will host J. Michael Haynie, assistant professor of entrepreneurship and emerging enterprises at SU’s Whitman School of Management.
‘The Madisons at Montpelier’ at this week’s IRP
The Feb. 18 session of the Institute for Retired Professionals (IRP) will host Ralph Ketcham, professor emeritus of history, public affairs and political science at SU’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.
Summer dance audition scheduled at Syracuse Stage
On Sunday, Feb. 7, an audition will be held at Syracuse Stage for Syracuse University’s 2010 Summer Dance Intensive Program.