With 20+ years of teaching experience, Rupananda (Rupa) Misra has a multidisciplinary background in technology, healthcare, user experience design, and education.

Misra holds a doctoral degree in communications, media, and learning technologies design from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a master’s degree in communications and journalism from Fort Hays State University. Additionally, Misra completed a post-doctoral National Library of Medicine (NIH) fellowship focusing on health informatics at Columbia University.
Previously, Misra provided research consulting to doctoral students in health education at Columbia University and served as the education director at the Sustainable Methods Institute, an international health, economic, and societal think tank.
Misra is a certified Quality Matters peer reviewer and holds extensive experience with web and mobile technologies, databases, human-computer interaction, and design thinking in healthcare. Misra’s passion is to provide innovative design solutions to complex health problems.
Misra’s research aims to better understand how big data and analytics are used to revolutionize the way patients, healthcare professionals, and the public engage with health information. In addition to writing a book and numerous articles, Misra has also presented his findings at eight conferences.
Misra holds leadership roles for the Columbia University Philadelphia Alumni chapter and World IA Day. Additionally, he is co-organizer for the Central NJ Design Meetup group and is an associate editor of the Journal of Information Architecture.