Undergraduate Students

Students must apply each academic year for financial aid.

Applying for Undergraduate Financial Aid

If you are a new, stopped-out, or first-time aid student, you are required to complete:

Part-time Undergraduate Financial Aid application

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA)

Students may be required to submit copies of income documentation, which means a copy of the requested year’s IRS Tax transcript or non-taxable income documentation (such as from Social Security). Monitor your “To Do” list in MySlice periodically after submitting your completed FAFSA to see what documentation is required to complete your UC Financial aid application.

NOTE: Students admitted for summer or returning in summer after stopping-out for more than a year must complete two years’ FAFSAs, as the summer term is the final term in the academic year; fall, spring, summer. To receive summer aid, the current academic year’s FAFSA is needed (for which June 30th is the last date by which it can be completed). To receive aid in fall, spring and summer of the upcoming year, the newest FAFSA is required. Although summer may be your first term, it is not the first term of the academic year, which is why 2 years’ FAFSAs are needed. If you have questions, please contact the financial aid office.

If you are a continuous-returning Undergraduate aid student, you are required to complete:

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA)

Renewing students taking six (6) credit hours per term may need to complete only the FAFSA when renewing in consecutive years. Other enrollment loads and requests for work study, or increasing loan request amounts require students to submit an online application. Income documentation may or may not be required from students. Your financial aid advisor will review the FAFSA results after they are received. If documentation is needed, a task will be posted to MySlice . Check your financial aid status regularly.

Application Process

Starting Your FAFSA Application

  • Apply online at the FAFSA web site

  • Use College Code: 002882

For Fall ’23/Spring ’24/Summer ’24 enrollment:

File the 2023-2024 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Applicants may begin filing the FAFSA on October 1, 2022. The last day to file is June 30, 2024.
For Fall ’24/Spring ’25/Summer ’25 enrollment:

File the 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Applicants may begin filing the FAFSA on December 1, 2023. The last day to file is June 30, 2025.

Federal Student Loan Limits
Level of Study Subsidized Unsubsidized Aggregate Limits
Freshmen $3,500 $2,000 or $6,000* Undergraduate $23,000 subsidized (University College HEOP, see note below)
Sophomores $4,500 $2,000 or $6,000* Undergraduate independent $57,500, subsidized & unsubsidized
Juniors & Seniors $5,500 $2,000 or $7,000* Undergraduate dependent $31,000, subsidized & unsubsidized

*Increased unsubsidized loan amounts available to independent students only, or those dependent students whose parents have been denied a PLUS.

Note: College of Professional Studies HEOP students who are academic freshmen are not permitted to borrow. Upper class students may not exceed aggregate maximum of $20,000, following New York State HEOP guidelines.