Close to 60 executives attended the Blue Courage training session held at Syracuse University on June 8. Officers and law enforcement officials from across Upstate New York, including Secret Service agents, New York State police, and members of the Department of Defense, learned how to address personal challenges associated with their jobs.
Blue Courage is a leadership development workshop designed for all levels of the law enforcement. The session is designed to address many of the personal challenges officers face such as cynicism, relationships, identity, integrity, health, and stress issues. The program teaches skills for self-improvement, critical thinking, open mindedness, respect and intellectual curiosity. Officers explored their moral compass and discussed how to act in a variety of circumstances that ensures justice and fairness and results in legitimacy and procedural justice.
“As part of Syracuse University’s commitment to our community and beyond, hosting the Blue Courage Executive Overview offered law enforcement leaders from around New York State an opportunity to learn about principle and value-focused training which highlights the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of police officers,” said Tony Callisto, SU’s senior vice president and chief law enforcement officer.
“We intend to continue our relationship with Blue Courage and with the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, in offering the Blue Courage program to our own law enforcement officers within the Department of Public Safety, but also to line and supervisory officers in the various law enforcement agencies around the region,” he said.
Callisto believes that targeted training will help officers in their own emotional and professional growth, which in turn will improve their relationships and interactions with the communities that they protect and serve.
The program was a partnership between University College, the Department of Public Safety, and the Office of Government and Community Relations.
For more information, contact Andrea Willis at 315-443-5241 or