
Responding to High Demand for Cybersecurity Specialists

To meet the high demand for cybersecurity specialists in the field, University College has launched a bachelor of professional studies (BPS) degree in cybersecurity administration. The degree is fully online and can be completed from anywhere in the world.

Cybersecurity specialists work on the front lines and are responsible for implementing and overseeing networks that are required to run specific portions of a security program. The BPS degree provides the applied skills, breadth of knowledge and professional competencies needed to manage people and the technologies required to protect information systems and infrastructures.

According to, the national average salary for a cybersecurity specialist is $90,239 year. In Syracuse and the surrounding area cybersecurity administrators make on average $85,756 per year.

“The online bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity administration was developed to address rapidly evolving global information security needs,” says Michael Frasciello, dean of University College. “While the online program is open to anyone who qualifies, it was designed to align with security and assurance specialist training in the United States military.”

Active duty military, New York State National Guard members and U.S. Reserve Component Military admitted to the online degree in cybersecurity can use their military tuition assistance or New York State RIRP tuition benefit to cover 100 percent of the tuition.

“Offering our online bachelor’s degrees at the TA rate for active, guard and reserve members is another example of Syracuse University’s unwavering support for our veterans and those currently serving,” adds Frasciello.

Pursuing a college degree online allows students to manage the ever-increasing demands of personal and professional commitments while beginning or continuing their education. For more information on how to get started, call 1.866.498.9378 or email

English Language Institute Helps Prepare Military for Mission in East Africa

Syracuse University’s English Language Institute (ELI) met with five soldiers from the 403rd Civil Affairs Battalion in Syracuse to help them prepare for a yearlong civil affairs mission in East Africa. Civil affairs officers use their expertise, language competency, political-military awareness and cross-cultural communication and military skills to conduct civil affairs operations throughout the world.

group of people standingSergeant First Class Michael Malizia, Captain Adrienne Gibson, Specialist Megan Sleeth, Captain Marl Pasibe and Sergeant Andrew Boyd will be hosting English language discussion groups with the civilian population in order to help them improve their English. “Helping the civilians build on the English skills they are already learning will not only empower them but will establish and grow the relationship the U.S. has in this area,” says Gibson.

The soldiers observed English language lessons taught by Connie Walters and Patrick McKinnon and then met with ELI staff members Danielle Benjamin, Jackie Monsour, Olga Oganesyan and director David Lind to learn different teaching strategies to lead discussion groups in East Africa.

“Consider using alternative methods to enhance the oral language instruction. Journaling and watching films can stimulate critical thinking and give the members of the discussion group another way to express themselves and make instruction interactive,” says Oganesyan. “It gives them the tools to share their stories, talk about their culture and learn about ours—all while speaking English.” The ELI staff also advised the soldiers to be culturally sensitive and establish a safe learning environment where everyone feels comfortable to participate.

“By observing the ELI classes and talking to the team about teaching strategies, we can now develop lesson plans for our assignment,” says Gibson.

The soldiers were given teaching guides and resources including picture dictionaries and English language workbooks. Each soldier also received a copy of “Becoming International,” a compilation of ELI student stories published last September.  The staff offered to act as consultants while the team was on assignment.

“This has been a tremendous opportunity for us,” says Malizia. “We now have a solid plan of action to lead these discussion groups. We are now better prepared for our mission.”

Syracuse University’s English Language Institute (ELI) at University College serves students of diverse backgrounds who wish to prepare for undergraduate and graduate programs in the U.S., and professionals who wish to advance their careers. The ELI also provides consulting and support services for units that work directly with international students.

UP Online Seminar Focuses on Retention of Online Students

University College (UC) hosted the fifth annual meeting of the University Partners for Online Education Strategies (UP Online) on Nov. 9, 2018. The annual meeting brings together regional colleagues working in online education to share ideas, address common problems, build networks and support professional development. Educators and administrators from 11 four-year higher education institutions gathered for the program that featured Jasmeial “Jazz” Jackson, associate dean of First Year Experience and Retention Programs at Southern New Hampshire University.

Presenter at Up Online

Jackson talked about the challenges in retaining students. “This is a challenge for all institutions serving an online population that are balancing competing priorities,” he said. Barriers that contribute to poor retention include student motivation, mindset, work-life balance, and finances.

Jackson said in order to retain online students institutions must remain involved and supportive. Studies show that such strategies as student integration and engagement, learner-centered approaches, learning communities and accessibility to online student services will promote student success.

Retention efforts at University College span several departments. UC has always been a “high-touch” institution that supports its diverse population. The student services office has certified life coaches that take a holistic approach to advising. This form of advising takes into account the students’ academic and life goals, and situational issues such as financial aid, childcare and tutoring needs.

Student success coordinators in the Office of Student Success ensure student persistence through proactive engagement. The coordinators do not wait for a student to reach the point of failure; they address issues and barriers before they lead to a student withdrawing from classes. “We provide an exceptional and approachable atmosphere where students can feel connected to their support network and know that someone can get their questions answered,” says Liz Green, director of the Student Success Office. “As our online programs continue to grow, we anticipate we will expand our initiatives to empower students to embrace their academic and personal goals.”

For more information about academic support services at University College, contact 315.443.3261 or email

Center for Online and Digital Learning Expands to Keep Pace with Growing Demand for Online Courses

University College’s Center for Online and Digital Learning (CODL) is a signature One University initiative and a strategic response to the growing demand to quality online programming at Syracuse University.

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Emily Luther, University College instructor for the Bachelor of Professional Studies Program, videotapes the course she is teaching, Digital and Business Communication for Professionals.

The center was launched in 2017 and now includes a state-of-the-art video production studio that incorporates animation, graphics and assessment to create an interactive experience for optimal learning.

Currently, ten staff members support six schools/colleges throughout the University. Instructional designers, multi-media specialists, videographers and directors offer expertise in design, technology, education, graphic art, project management and radio and television.

In addition to creating online courses and programs for University College, the team is developing programming for the School of Education, Falk College, College of Law, Whitman School of Management and College of Engineering and Computer Science.

“We project working on approximately 200 courses over the next three years,” says Tom Downes, assistant director of CODL. “The content development for the courses will vary based on what the schools/colleges need.” Downes says that additional positions within the center would be considered as partnerships across the University continue to expand to meet the growing number of online students.

ELI Students Share Insights on Being an International Student

When international students travel to the United States to learn English, the language barrier is just one of their challenges. Cultural differences like being overwhelmed in the grocery store, being embarrassed about not tipping a server (there is no tipping in China) or learning where to get help in serious situations are a few of the struggles they encounter.

During the 2017-18 academic year, students from Japan, China, Norway, South Korea, Taiwan and Saudi Arabia were able to put their experiences and feelings on paper.

As part of a writing project, the students were given autobiographical and creative writing prompts that encouraged them to reflect on what it means to travel abroad to improve their English language proficiency.

The project was a collaboration between Syracuse University’s English Language Institute (ELI) and New City Community Press. The ELI provides intensive English instruction to approximately 300 international students who attend the program each year. Steve Parks, Syracuse University associate writing professor and founder of New City Community Press, published their collection of stories in a book titled, “Becoming International: Musings of Studying Abroad in America.”

“At first the students did not think of themselves as authors,” says Amy Walker, an ELI instructor who wrote the book’s introduction. “They did not see the benefit of the project because their sole reason for attending the ELI was to obtain enough English proficiency for admission to an American undergraduate or graduate degree program.”

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Bandar AlHoraibi from Saudi Arabia has his book, “Becoming International,” signed at book signing.

Walker adds that once the project was underway, unexpected positive outcomes started to appear for both the students and the teachers.

“The authors were brave. They allowed themselves to be vulnerable. They wrote about personal topics in a language that they had varying degrees of control over,” says Walker. “In the end, the students gained more confidence in their English and became more grounded in this U.S. collegiate environment.”

Huan-Chen Tseng from Taiwan wrote about his feelings of isolation when he first arrived in the United States. “In Taiwan, I am the oldest grandson on both sides of the family, so I have more responsibilities and benefits than the other grandchildren. However, in the United States, I’m just alone,” said Tseng. “I am nobody in the United States because nobody knows me, and I don’t have any friends here.”  During the fall 2017 semester when Tseng was on campus, he made friends and began to adapt to American habits. He acknowledged that this experience would help him in the future.

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ELI students featured in book, Joakim Olsen (Norway), Yuan Cheng (China), and Amy Walker, ELI instructor, talk to the audience.

Eighteen-year-old Yongbin Yang noted one of the most difficult things about adapting to American culture is learning to be independent and manage his finances. “I came to the U.S., so I can’t rely on my parents anymore,” he wrote. “I need to take care of myself and think about every decision and its consequences. Finances will always be a big problem.” Yang said he can’t always buy things he wants because he has to balance his monthly budget. “But the process of becoming independent makes me feel better. I feel I am growing up.”

In partnership with Syracuse University Libraries, the English Language Institute hosted a book launch in September at Bird Library. Copies of the book are available for purchase on Amazon.