The Haudenosaunee Promise
This application is only for students enrolled in the College of Professional Studies.
College of Professional Studies – Haudenosaunee Promise Application – Apply Now!
Students who are enrolled full-time must submit the Main Campus Haudenosaunee Promise Application.
This scholarship program brings the rich educational experiences of Syracuse University to Native American students. The Promise scholarships are reserved for admitted, qualified, first-year and transfer students studying part-time at the College of Professional Studies. The Promise scholarships were established to recognize the University’s gratitude and appreciation for the historical, political, and cultural legacies of the Haudenosaunee, and to honor the bond that has developed between the University and the Haudenosaunee.
Scholarship Benefits
Qualified students receive financial assistance equal to the cost of tuition and mandatory fees for each year of part-time undergraduate study.
- Student must be an admitted first-year or transfer student
- Student must be a certified citizen of one of the historic Haudenosaunee nations (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, or Tuscarora)
- Student must be a current resident of a listed Haudenosaunee nation territory*
- Student must be pursuing his/her first bachelor’s degree
- Student must file for financial aid by published deadlines
- Students must maintain part-time academic status (1-11 credits per semester) and a minimum grade point average of 2.5
* Qualified Haudenosaunee Territories
Akwasasne Mohawk
Kanatsiohareke Mohawk
Ganienke Mohawk
Kahnawake Mohawk
Kanesatanke Mohawk
Tyendinaga Mohawk
Seneca Six Nations (Canada)
Oneida of the Thames (Ontario)
Oneida Wisconsin
Allegany Seneca
Cattaraugus Seneca
Oil Spring Seneca