
Prior Learning Experience May Transition to College Credits

Vincente Cuevas photo“One rarely thinks of their professional experience translating into college credits unless you are challenged to do so,” says Vincente Cuevas. “Once you reflect and acknowledge the professional competencies you’ve garnered over the years, you can truly appreciate your previous experiences.”

Cuevas is a sophomore in the bachelor of professional studies program at University College. The three-credit Prior Learning Assessment course will also be taught in the Fall 2020 semester.

Read the full story here:

Syracuse University Expands Online Offerings

Syracuse University has made a significant investment to expand online offerings. In accordance with the Chancellor’s 2019-20 University wide initiatives, the focus at University College is to expand post-traditional student programs and enrollment with the goal of becoming a recognized international leader in online and post-traditional education. The Center for Online and Digital Learning was launched within University College in 2017 and includes state-of-the-art video production capabilities, instructional design support and user experience designers to maximize learning in the online environment.

Since inception, the following new online programs have been added to the online portfolio at Syracuse University:

Graduate  Undergraduate  Executive Education

Graduate Offerings:

Engineering Management, M.S.
College of Engineering and Computer Science

This program is designed for working professionals who are looking to advance their careers with a master’s degree in Engineering Management.

  • 33 credit-hour program
  • Develop leadership and managerial skills through relevant courses in the areas of engineering economics, technology management, and more.
  • Strengthen technical skills in engineering with courses in statistics, product development, simulation, data analytics and more.

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Marriage and Family Therapy, M.A.
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

Master’s level MFT professionals are in great demand to provide mental health services to a growing population in need.

  • 60 credit-hour program
  • Online program is accredited by COAMFTE (Accreditation and licensing)
  • Prepares you to change lives with a compassionate, family-centered approach to mental health services.

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Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation, M.S.
School of Education

This program prepares students to evaluate learning and performance problems and to design, develop, implement, evaluate and manage solutions.

  • 30 credit-hour program
  • Curriculum includes courses that blend skills such as models and theories, strategic planning, interpersonal communications and software.

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Conflict and Collaboration, C.A.S.
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs

Solving the most complex challenges of our day requires cross-disciplinary understanding, superior skills in collaboration and communication and the ability to navigate diversity, complexity and continuous change. Our new online conflict and collaboration certificate of advanced study is designed to provide students with a broad perspective and diverse insights on conflict management, analysis and resolution, so you can effectively manage conflicts in the workplace and community.

  • 12 credit-hour program
  • Learn conflict management skills you will use everyday

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Undergraduate Offerings:

Cybersecurity Administration, B.P.S.
University College

The digital world has created an urgent need for the protection of information systems in every sector – personal, professional, corporate, governmental, national and international. Preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks is essential to all organizations, and cybersecurity specialists are fighting on the front lines of this effort.

  • 120 credit-hour program
  • Provides essential skills for managing the people and technologies that protect information, information systems and infrastructures.

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Project Management, Minor
University College

The project management minor is interdisciplinary and designed to help students explore the foundations of organization, leadership, methodologies, and the communication techniques of Project Management.

  • 18 credit-hour program
  • Apply project management concepts to successfully launch and complete a project.

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Executive Education:

Data Science and Analytics, Non-credit Certificate
University College

In this accelerated, immersive course, students will use key technologies including advanced Excel, Python, R, Tableau, SQL Databases, and more.

  • 18-week program
  • Learn directly from data scientists, analysts and managers. Instructors will teach students the fundamentals as well as updates and tips they have learned.

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A full listing of all online offerings at Syracuse University can be found at:

UC Student, Chevon Janczuk, Savors Her Slice of the Orange

Student researcher. Believer in second chances. Mother of four. Chevon dropped out of high school as a sophomore and found most career pathways closed to her. Then she made the life-changing decision to enroll at Syracuse University as a part-time student. She’s now pursuing a dual degree in social work and psychology with a 3.9 GPA. Her ultimate goal? To be an advocate for incarcerated citizens and a role model for her children.

“My kids are my world,” she says, “and my hope is that one day all of them will go to college. I think I’m setting a good example for them. Whenever they see the Syracuse ‘S’ they say, ‘That’s mommy’s school!’” she says. That pride goes both ways. “To me, being Orange means every slice of the orange is different, but somehow we are all able to come together and be part of something bigger. It means taking people from all walks of life, with diverse perspectives and goals, and squeezing them into one giant community where everyone is welcomed and accepted.”

Read Chevon’s full story here

New Online Courses Offered this Summer

ELI Instructor teaching online classThrough the combined efforts of The College of Arts & Sciences and Maxwell, eight new courses will be available in University College’s signature eight-week online format this summer. These courses include weekly, live synchronous sessions that connect students with the instructor and peers to form a community of learning within each course. The unique course structure allows students to engage in asynchronous learning modules, assignments and assessments between live sessions, allowing them to balance home, work and academic schedules. The expansion of these online offerings allows students more options for meeting the liberal studies core requirements and program electives. These new courses will launch in the Summer 8-week II session which begins July 6, 2020.

They are: MAT 121, Probability and Statistics for the Liberal Arts I; ANT 185, Global Encounters; HTW 12,  Personal and Social Health; ECN 101, Intro to Microeconomics; HST 111, Early Modern Europe; GEO 372, Political Geography; PSC 363, Ethics and International Relations and SWK 328, Human Diversity in Social Contexts.

Enrollment in Project Management Minor is Growing Steadily

Full-time and part-time matriculated undergraduate students can now add a minor in Project Management to complement and enhance their existing program. The 18-credit minor is delivered completely online in an 8-week session and is designed to help students explore foundations, organizational leadership, methodologies, and the communications techniques of project management.

The Project Management minor is administered by University College and is open to all Syracuse University undergraduate students who are in good standing.

For more information visit, email, or call 315-443-9378.