Develop a Comprehensive and Informed Worldview Through a Powerful Academic Foundation 

Explore a range of disciplines and emerge as a well-rounded leader with a diverse education in the areas of humanities, social sciences, mathematics and natural sciences. Gain the critical thinking skills and knowledge that will open doors to advancement in your career, new career opportunities or as a requirement for pursuing graduate school.

Program Features:

  • Fully develop your intellectual capacities, critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Achieve an informed understanding of the world.
  • Appreciate the interests, needs and perspectives of varied world cultures.
  • Understand the natural universe.
  • Gain a well-rounded perspective on social, cultural, environmental and political issues.

Contact an academic advisor for questions regarding the courses and formats that suit your requirements and schedule.

About This Program:

  • 100% Online
  • 6 Start Dates a Year
  • 8-Week Courses
  • Transfer Up to 90 Credits
  • Study Part Time
  • Blend of Asynchronous and Synchronous Learning

CPS Online Undergraduate Tuition Incentive Grant: Apply and be admitted to be eligible for this grant which reduces your tuition rate to $575 per credit!

Admission Requirements

For admission to the Bachelor of Liberal Studies degree program, you must meet these basic admission requirements:

  • High school diploma or GED, or official transcripts from all previous higher education institutions attended
  • For students transferring college credit, minimum 2.5 grade point average
  • For students with no college credit to transfer, high school transcript must be submitted with application
  • In certain instances, the admission committee may request letters of recommendation
  • Consultation with an advisor (may be conducted by telephone)

Special Situations

  • Students may take courses on a non-matriculated basis to demonstrate academic ability for admission.
  • No more than 30 credits gained through testing (CLEP) may be applied toward the program.
  • To be accepted for transfer, courses must: show a grade of C (2.0) or better; have been taken at an accredited college or university; and fit degree requirement.s
  • Where a grade of “pass” has been earned in a course, the school where the grade was earned must certify that a pass is equivalent to a C or higher.

Liberal Studies Degree Requirements

To be awarded the Bachelor of Liberal Studies degree, you must meet these minimum degree requirements:

  • Up to 90 credits can be transferred, including 66 credits from a junior college
  • Minimum C average (2.0) required for graduation
  • At least 30 credits must be taken as a part-time student at the College of Professional Studies
  • A minimum of 30 upper division credits is required
  • 120 credits are required in the following areas:

Liberal Skills

  • Writing (6 credits)
  • Intensive Writing (3 credits)
  • Language or Quantitative Skills (4-12 credits of one foreign language OR 6-8 credits of mathematics)

Divisional Perspectives

Four 3-credit or 4-credit courses in each division and a 2-course sequence; no more than 3 courses from the same department *

Critical Reflections on Ethical and Social Issues

6-8 credits

Depth Requirement

18 credits; nine upper division credits in each of TWO of the following areas:

  • Humanities
  • Social Science
  • Natural Science/Mathematics

Liberal Studies Electives

Courses from humanities, social science, natural science/mathematics.

Free Electives

Maximum of 24 credits from any academic area outside the liberal arts.

NOTE: For a complete list of the accepted Divisional Perspectives courses—including Critical Reflections on Ethical and Social Issues courses—view the Liberal Arts Core Guidebook.

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