What is a digital badge?
Badges, in any form, are the evidence that an achievement at some level of complexity has been earned whether it was instructional, competitive or experiential. Digital badges are set up as digital icons, and when clicked, take the user to a specific page on that platform where the digital badges are amplified, and the digital badge’s background information can be seen and verified. Background information includes information on the issuing College or University Unit, badge awardee, earning criteria, award date and expiration.
Digital microcredentials are meant to be seen and shared. By sharing authenticated Syracuse University digital badges on social channels, recipients will promote the brand of the microcredential, the department/school/college and the University to users whom we may not have had the chance to attract otherwise. Digital badges also tend to influence others – prospects are more likely to be receptive to marketing efforts if the signals are amplified by those coming from people they know or follow who have earned microcredentials from Syracuse University in the past.
The College of Professional Studies serves as the University’s internal clearing house for digital microcredentials (digital badges) in much the same way as it has served in the past to issue physical certificates and continuing education units (CEU) for non-credit achievements. The College of Professional Studies coordinates a standardized process to establish and distribute digital microcredentials for the University as a whole.