
Dean’s message: Staying the Course

Michael Frasciello PortraitOne of the most challenging things about studying part time is the effort it takes to get to where you want to be. Whether you’re completing a college degree you started or starting the degree you always wanted, it can feel like the task is simply overwhelming.

Every year, I meet students attending Syracuse University part time—online and on campus—who say the hardest thing about completing their degrees is staying with it. It’s not the rigor of their courses or the demands placed on them by their faculty. Rather, it’s almost always about life getting in the way. For “non-traditional” students, life has a way of shifting our priorities, requiring us to make difficult decisions about the investment of our limited time and precious energy.

For part-time students—particularly students with family and work commitments—I call these moments “hitting the wall.” I hit the wall when I was working on my master’s degree. My wife and I were both working full-time, had a 4 year-old running around, and another little one on the way. My commute to campus was 120 miles round trip. Four nights each week I left work, drove one hour to campus, attended class, then drove back home with just enough time to say goodnight.

I hit the wall halfway through. I convinced myself that I just couldn’t do it anymore. The commute, lack of time, job demands, tuition and books, gas and parking … so many valid reasons to stop out.

Well, they were valid reasons to me. For my wife and my advisor, they were signs of the stress that comes with being a part-time student. My wife reminded me that I was finishing my degree for me AND for my family. My advisor reminded me that school is hard—it’s a crucible from which you emerge transformed. It’s the realization that with every course you complete, you move closer to a goal that will completely change your life.

Those reasons were enough for me to stick with it.

As you make the decision to become a part-time student, know that University College is here for you when you hit the wall. Many of us here completed degrees part-time, so we know what you’re feeling. We also have an unwavering belief in you and your ability to succeed. We won’t give up on you, because we know the amazing things ahead of you as a graduate of Syracuse University. Trust me on this: you’ll never regret the decision to stick with it.

In your service,

Michael J. Frasciello, Dean

University College Lowers Tuition Cost for Lifelong Learners and Military-Connected Students

For more than 100 years, University College of Syracuse University has made it possible for working adults and other part-time students to earn a Syracuse University degree.

University College of Syracuse University has made it possible for working adults and other part-time students to earn a Syracuse University degree.

In June, Syracuse University reaffirmed its commitment to adult and lifelong learners, veterans and military-connected students
through a series of initiatives designed to expand opportunity and enhance affordability for those who aspire to earn a Syracuse University undergraduate degree through part-time study at University College.

“Part-time learners represent the largest population of students enrolled in higher education today,” says Chancellor Kent Syverud. “Making part-time study at Syracuse University more affordable and accessible is both a natural continuation of the University’s history of supporting non-traditional students, and an appropriate response to the changing needs and expectations of those who could most benefit from a Syracuse University education.”

The cost for part-time undergraduate study at Syracuse University—including all part-time residential and online undergraduate degree programs—has been reduced by 18 percent, from $846 per credit hour to $695 per credit hour. This adjustment to part-time undergraduate tuition will effectively reduce the total tuition cost of earning a bachelor’s degree from University College, on average, by $18,000.

Syracuse University has also aligned the undergraduate part-time tuition rate charged to active duty military members enrolled in online undergraduate programs to be equivalent with the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) reimbursement. University College offers part-time online undergraduate study to members of the New York State National Guard and reservists stationed in New York State at a cost equivalent to the Recruitment Incentive and Retention Program (RIRP) tuition reimbursement rate. Syracuse University’s part-time undergraduate programs include an online associate degree in liberal arts and bachelor’s degrees in liberal studies, creative leadership, knowledge management and cybersecurity administration.

Individuals interested in more information about part-time enrollment opportunities at Syracuse University can contact University College at 315.443.9378 or Veterans and military-connected students can learn more about part-time programs and tuition benefits at

University College Hires Ten VPA Alumni to Meets Demand for Online Programs

Ten alumni from Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) have been hired over the last two years to fill positions as videographers, video editors and graphic designers in University College’s Center for Online and Digital Learning. “We are very fortunate to have access to such high caliber graduates from the exceptional film and illustrative design programs right here on campus,” says CODL Director Eileen Julian. Read the full story here >